Webshop Refresh
New Features 🎉
Webshop Improvements
All webshop forms shows the validations more user friendly. Birthdate input has been improved to let it be filled simple way in with all the devices.
Single Sales webshop link validations are improved to prevent publishing links that are not ready for end users.
Introduced fix for high volume traffic to limit the max amount of clients on the webshop. User will be routed to dedicated page of notifying about the high load in the webshop.
Digital Guest Integration
Digital Guest integration improvements finalised. In CMS, you can configure your organisation flow templates. In Digital Guest, you can configure the actual mail templates and match the Digital Guest Rate code with Willba template code.
For automation, you can specify default templates based on Sales dimensions to select the template as soon as the dimensions will be selected for the Sales.
Multiple Document Templates Defaults
Multiple document templates can be added with unique custom sections. Sections are editable per template.
In Strapi, use the syntaxt [Link label](
Bug Fixes 🐛
VST time selection input
VST (Vapaa sivistystyö) reporting time input for participant has been fixed to work as expected in all the conditions.
Resource Reservation Report
New Features 🎉
Resource Reservation Report Capabilities
Resource reservations can be exported to Excel from given time period. Resource selector allows now multi-select of the resources to ease the usage.
Document Template Logo Settings
Logo size and position settings are added to the Document Templates. This allows adjusting the custom layout of the template individually.
Invoice Barcodes
New Features 🎉
Invoice Barcodes in Willba invoices
Invoices now supports scannable barcodes. In case of Willba invoice is directly sent to customer, this helps the payment process of the end customer.
With Willba e-invoices, there has always been the barcodes available. Now support is added to all invoices where it might be needed.
Webshop Home Page Slug
Webshop Pages Home page slug has been migrated from empty string to / to make it more consistent with the other configurable web pages.
Tech 💻
Willba services networking layer has been migrated to the flexible and performant Kubernetes Gateway technology. We are preparing for increased traffic and new customer tenants with this technology.
Digital Guest Integration
New Features 🎉
Digital Guest Integration
Willba is proudly announcing official Digital Guest partnership. With Digital Guest integration, the guest messaging can be managed and automated. The customer or participant data is flown near real time from Willba to Digital Guest platform. This unlocks unique opportunities for Willba customer to engage with the end visitors.
Webshop Improvements
Webshop performance and usability has been improved.
Email Serivce
New Features 🎉
Order Confirmation Emails
Order confirmation emails for end customers can be activated in the Webshop configurations. Email service is integrated into WIllba and the sent emails are also visible under Sales.
Support Company Transitions
New Features 🎉
Company Changes
Support company changes in case of multiple companies are merged into one. All the bookkeeping rules are possible to configure in a way that new company with it's accounting environment is taking ownership of the Sales from given date.
Granular User Permissions
New Features 🎉
Restricted Users Access
Willba access levels can be controlled by the User Groups and Roles. With SSO environments, the security groups will be integrated from Identity Provider and mapped to corresponding access group in Willba. Without SSO integration, the Willba users and their groups can be directly managed inside Willba.
Main use case is to have these kind of access levels
Mobile users: access to the restricted mobile Sales list
Read only: access to defined listings only
Products admin: access to edit the catalog products including prices
Users admin: access to manage Willba users and their access
Participant Email Support
Prepared for Guest Communications, Willba supports now asking the participant email addresses in the Webshop ennrollment process.
Dimension Label Lifecycle
Willba now supports even complex reporting architecture changes with pre-scheduled dimensions activations and deprecations. It is possible to mark dimensions and their labels to be valid from and to dates. With this capability, we can evolve the required and possible dimensions existence in the Sales.
Program Document Options
New Features 🎉
Program PDF or itinerary document has now support for multiple branded templates. The settings includes the look and feel including logos and fonts, custom free text sections and custom footer texts. If Willba is used under multi-brand destinations, this gives flexibility to have the theme and templates.
Front Desk Search
New Features 🎉
Sales Type Filter in Front Desk Search
Easily filter the sales based on the type to look only events, day reservations or accommodation reservations for the date.
With large amounts of the Sales per date, it is important to see and find the relevant options as fast as possible.
Payment Types Lifecycle
New Features 🎉
Payment Validations
Point of Sales payment types are now granularly configurable. Payment types can be disabled and enabled per Point of Sales and the bookkeeping account can be specified based on Point of Sales.
Additionally, Point of Sales has now their own lifecycle. It can be deactivated meaning that it will not appear in the selector nor accept new payments. Payments reports are still possible to take also from the deactivated POS.
Dynamic Sales Process
New Features 🎉
Sales Actions and Dynamic States
Sales process and states are possible to define to match environment needs. Sales flow from open to completed can have specific steps. Now it is possible to define the states in the CMS and connect the needed validation rules for the state.
If you are happy with the current Sales flow, you don't need to do anything, the default Sales flow is kept as it was before!
Sales cancellation reasons are now systematised for reporting purposes and the options can be adjusted in the CMS to match exactly the organisation needs.
Searching for Sales Copy, Print, Cancel or Delete actions? No worries, check the top left corner three dots menu. The actions are moved into there. Now all actions are in same logical place.
Mobile Sales Access
New Features 🎉
Mobile Sales View
Brand-new feature enables live mobile access to the Sale. This is specifically useful when employees work out of office like guiding guests or doing outdoor activities. Limited access to the sales and their programs through mobile enables next-level employee and guest experience in the demanding environments.
Webshop Multiple Room Reservations
Improve the Willba webshop room reservation flow. Now it allows multiple room reservations in one Sales purchase.
New Menu Items Available
Willba main application has dynamic navigation based on Strapi CMS configuration. With this release, it is possible to include easily new navigation items:
Users - If user has users admin permissions, this navigation is available and points to Willba's User and Access management
Strapi - Instead of adding Strapi CMS link manually, it is now out-of-the box navigation item
Releases - Link to this site
Docs - Link to Willba docs
Bug Fixes 🐛
Show all reservations in the print sale program not depending on the customer visibility
Mobile Login
New Features 🎉
Willba login screen scalable to mobile devices. Now it is possible to combine SAML SSO provider with temporal Willba users. For example seasonal employee who has not company mails can be added as Willba user with limited permissons.
See the docs for more details from the user management:
Bug Fixes 🐛
Fix Apollo Cache configuration with VAT codes. This fixes the issue of not showing the correct VAT rates in the UI.
VAT Rate Changes
New Features 🎉
VAT rate migrations for existing sales. The VAT rate will change from 24 % to 25,5 % at the start of the September. This migration tool allows updating the VAT rates accordingly for the Sales that has been created already before the tax change has been approved.
Bug Fixes 🐛
Participant mass operations fixed and improved. Excel upload performance improved more than 90 % and setting the room or accommodation target group fixed in certain conditions.
Room status reliability improved when there is concurrent status updates. Also, room status is marked dirty as soon as the participant is check-in to the room.
Calendar reservation time selector component fixed to work on latest Chrome versions.
Room Webshop Improvements
New Features 🎉
Improved Rooms in the Webshop
Willba webshop customer flow has been improved. Customer can open specific room card and explore it's availability in calendar. This helps the experience of finding the availability for customers who are flexible in terms of the dates. Also, already reserved room dates can be adjusted during the booking process.
Load Invoice as Excel Document
Allow loading invoice as Excel document directly from Willba. This can be used with environments that have not yet enabled bookkeeping integration.
Tech 💻
Willba's GraphQL API layer updated to run on top of the new libraries. The previous tech in use was replaced with more recent and robust implementations. All the Willba requests are now powered with new libraries.
Upgrade Webshop into new major version of NextJS.
Bug Fixes 🐛
Opening accommodation calendar for 7 weeks Sales corner case was fixed
Decimal 25.5 % VAT rate
New Features 🎉
Support new Finnish 25.5 % VAT rate with fixed point numbers. New VAT rate is used after 1.9.2024.
Open advances report
New Features 🎉
Open advances report moved into Willba core functionality. It enables to fetch the open advances for given date. Open advance means here an advance that is not yet been recognized as revenue by the date.
Bug Fixes 🐛
Fix calendar reservation resizing with drag-and-drop functionality.
Print Sales
New Features 🎉
Print Sales to PDF with user-defined content sections
Improvements 🙌
All number inputs more user friendly
Close participant accommodation room selector after room is picked
Embeddable Webshop Search Component
New Features 🎉
Embbedable webshop search bar into main website to unify the customer experience. The customer can seamlessly enter into webshop with specific interest.
Bug Fixes 🐛
VST categories management with event enrollments is now fixed. VST sections are only visible when the event is under VST conditions.
Fixes and Usability Improvements
Improvements 🙌
All prices are formatted more readable format
Packet meal listing notes are formatted as it is. If the notes contains line breaks, those are also visible in the listing. This helps the readability of the notes with longer descriptions.
Bug Fixes 🐛
Opening a product modal from global resource calendar is fixed
Program document text overflow issue is fixed
Rooms in The Webshop
New features 🎉
Rooms Available in the Webshop
Allow direct bookings of rooms directly with Willba booking engine webshop. Reservations are directly created and customers can pay the whole amount while reserving. Customers see the live availability of the rooms without any integration delays.
Publish part or all of your rooms into Willba's webshop. Manage all the marketing materials and content directly in Willba. Optimise the room booking process with seamless solution.
Default Visibility of Resources in the Client Program
Resources can have default visibility settings set for the client program directly in the registry. At the top level, the visibility of facilities, personnel, and equipment can be defined, and it can be further overridden on a resource-specific basis. This way, the client program can be effortlessly obtained from sales without the need for sales-specific adjustments.
Clear Validation of VST Information
Reporting for liberal adult education (VST) involves regulatory requirements regarding which information must be collected from participants and what additional information should be collected if possible. The VST reporting data is displayed in the participant list in such a way that it is easy to see at a glance what information is missing and which fields need to be filled out.
Additionally, an option to add an age category abbreviation was added to the participant list, which is displayed if the participant's date of birth is recorded. This makes it easier to read the participant list when there are many participants of different ages.
All additional functionalities related to VST reporting are restricted for use only if the sale is defined under VST activities.
Bug Fixes 🐛
Fixes to the Resource Reservation Calendar
Minor bugs found in the resource reservation calendar were fixed. For instance, if some facilities are reserved for sales, the calendar now opens to the correct day based on those reservations. Additionally, if the browser is refreshed in the calendar view, the searched resource remains as the selected resource.
Fexible Pricing and Tax Handling
New Features 🎉
Internal Purchase Price and Cost
The internal price of products has been added to product lines. The visibility and editability of the internal price can be restricted in the system settings in Strapi. By default, the internal price is visible but cannot be edited.
The internal price is used in reporting and it also helps pricing of the products for sale.
Support for Marginal Tax
Willba now supports products sold under the marginal tax scheme according to the Value Added Tax Act. In resale situations, VAT is only paid on the profit margin of the sold product. It is possible to define the margin tax procedure for a product in the catalog and record the default internal purchase price of the service. The internal purchase price can be adjusted for each sale and product if the purchase price varies.
If the marginal tax scheme cannot be used in a specific case, it can be easily switched back to the standard VAT handling in sales.
Support for Handling Resale Commissions
When services are sold to end customers through resale agents, pricing needs to account for the price behavior without the commission. This means whether product prices in the catalog are net or gross prices. It is crucial for the reseller to see the internal price and the resale price of the service in the offer.
The commission is an additional feature that can be activated if desired. It can be enabled either globally or only for specific sales types through activated features.
When the commission is active, the pricing mode appears on the product lines: net price, gross price, or no commission applied to the product.
Program Reservations
The client program can now be built more flexibly by adding activities to program reservations. A program reservation is like a sales calendar reservation but without assigning any resource.
Ready-made description templates can be saved for program reservations and reservations in general, making it significantly easier to create an informative client program composed of the same basic activities. You can add a suitable template from the description field and modify it if necessary.
The resolution of calendar reservation times has been refined. Resources can now be booked with minute-level precision if needed. Additionally, the usability of time input has been improved.
Online Store and Personal Sales Link
New Features 🎉
Online Store and Personal Sales Link
The appearance and purchase flow of the online store have been significantly updated. Additionally, a new feature has been introduced that allows sending a personalized sales link to customers, which is valid for a certain period. Through this link, depending on the situation, customers can modify participant information, update their customer details, and make payments.
New VST Legislation Fields
New regulations for liberal adult education have come into effect, requiring companies under VST to collect more information from participants involved in VST activities.
Support for this new process has been built into Willba, both for sales through the online store and for manually recorded or Excel-uploaded group participant information.
Pick Multiple Product Lines for a Product Package
Product creation is now smoother with a feature that allows multiple products to be selected at once. Packaging and pricing a visit are now faster than ever.
Static Notes for Rooms and Resources
More comprehensive additional information can be managed for rooms and resources to facilitate booking. This information is visible in both reservation calendars and reservations themselves for professional users.
Bug Fixes 🐛
The system's stability and performance have been improved, and various individual issues, especially those related to product updates, have been fixed.